We will miss you

On May 5, 2023, the Kita Hirzbrunnen / Eglisee organized a farewell party for the older children and provided a successful conclusion.

On May 5, 2023, the Kita Hirzbrunnen / Eglisee organized a farewell party for the older children who have to leave the Kita due to the new care law. It was an eventful day and evening. First of all, everyone spent the day together with the caregivers of the Kita in the indoor swimming pool Gitterli. The children had a lot of fun and could let off steam in the whole Gitterli. Afterwards we had dinner. For this we were allowed to use the garden and the barbecue area of the Kita Kleinhüningen. At this point a big THANK YOU to the Kita Kleinhüningen. In the garden the bouncy castle was set up by the dear FM employees of familea. Despite the rainy weather, the children played soccer and had a Hirzi-Eglisee duel. They bounced in the bouncy castle or on the trampoline and fed themselves with delicious sausages and salads provided by the familea kitchen. The fun knew no bounds. There was laughter, games and many conversations. Former employees who had known the children since childhood were also invited to the event. From 9:00 p.m. onwards, the children went from the Kita Kleinhüningen back to the Kita Eglisee and Hirzbrunnen to spend the night there. The children were equipped with flashlights, sleeping bags and partly their cuddly toys. An exciting night awaited the children and teachers. There was little sleeping, but a lot of laughing and sleepwalking.

The next day, all parents were invited to a brunch. A cozy get-together to spend time together one last time before it was time to say "goodbye".

For us as a daycare center, the change in the law is a drastic decision, as we care for many older children who will now have to leave. We will miss our older children very much. However, we hope that during the many years they have spent with us at the Kita, we have given you fond memories and much joy, that we have made their worries a little easier and that we have been able to answer their many questions. The Kita will be a few decibels quieter without all of you....

You big guys, we wish you all a great summer and are already looking forward to meeting you in the neighborhood and chatting with you. And now in your words: "Ey digger chillet euri Nuggets mir sind on fleek und gsend uns scho mol wieder neume...period." 🙂

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